Summary Posts

Awards and Achievements

By Rajaul Karim | 31 Jul, 2023

Awards and Achievements

International Achievements in Autonomous Robotics Competitions:

Ø  2nd Runner-Up – International Autonomous Robotics Competition. Techkriti’18 - IIT Kanpur, India.

Ø Ranked 4th – Meshmerize. Techfest’18 - IIT Bombay, India.  Details-Click here

National Achievements in Robotics and Programming Competitions:

Ø  Champion – Line Following Robot. Ignition’19 - KUET, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – Line Following Robot. Mecelleration’18 - IUT, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – Line Following Robot. Ignition’18 - KUET, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – Path Finder. BUET Robo Carnival’17 - BUET, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – IARC. Techkriti’18 Bangladesh Zonal - UIU, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – Color Switch. National Robotech Festival’18 - NSU, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – Maze Solving Robot. Makers Mania’18 - IUB, Bangladesh.

Ø  Champion – Meshmerize. Techfest’18 Bangladesh Round - AIUB, Bangladesh.

Ø  1st Runner-up – Race of Victory. DUET Techfest’17 - DUET, Bangladesh.

Ø  2nd Runner-up – Path Finder. BUET Robo Carnival’17 - BUET, Bangladesh.

Ø  2nd Runner-up – Robomania v.4. Esonance’17 - IUT, Bangladesh.

ØTop–50(Competition ongoing) Projects among 7,152 ideas , Unibator by Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) and Institution of Engineers Bangladesh.

ØStudio Round - GPH Ispat Esho Robot Banai, Channel-i.

Ø Contestent National Round: Dhaka Regional Contest - ACM ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 2017.

Ø Contestent National Round: Dhaka Regional Contest - ACM ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 2018. Detail of this section - Click here

Academic Awards: 

Student of The Year award winner at Shaheed Mustafa Excellence Award-2021 hosted by Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology(DUET). Organized by “DUET Career and Research Club” and “Brain share” in combine venture.

Future Leader award winner at Shaheed Mustafa Excellence Award-2021 hosted by DUET. Organized by “DUET Career and Research Club” and “Brain share” in combine venture.

Award of Excellence from the Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET) for international achievements in Robotics. Details of this section-Click here

