About Me

I am serving as a Research and Teaching Associate at the Center for Industrial Automation, Robotics & IoT Research (RIoT) at Independent University, Bangladesh. I have completed B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering from Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur. During undergraduate years, I honed expertise in programming, control engineering, embedded systems, advanced robotics, and intelligent systems. I actively participated in national and international robotics & programming competitions, achieving remarkable success in 16 national and international achievements. I've done more than 12 robotics projects during my graduation. I held leadership roles in various university organizations, promoting community-based learning and fostering growth. These efforts were recognized with excellence awards in Student of the year and Future Leader category at the Shaheed Mustafa Excellence Award 2021. I like travelling, listening music, photograpy and sports most.


June, 2022 - Present

Indepentdent University, Bangladesh

Research & Teaching Assistant (Full-Time)

Center for Industrial Automation, Robotics, and IoT Research (RIoT)

Responsibilities: Research Track: Robotics & automation, machine learning, Environmental Science, Bio-informatics, intelligent system design and development.
Teaching duty: Conducting theory and tutorial classess: Programming Languages (Python, C++), Data Structure, Computer Fundamentals

February, 2020 – March, 2022

Texon Ltd. Bangladesh

Co-Founder; R&D Engineer: AI & Automation

As a Co-Founder: Client meetup, Product Requirement Specification, Market Analysis
As a Team Lead; R&D Engineer: Responsibilities focused on the specification, architecture, design, and development of a robotic system on micro-controller interfaces with IoT, machine learning, sensing, and control of actuators.

March, 2021- February, 2022



Responsibilies: Client meetup, Logistics Control, Merchant Collaboration, Product Requirement Specification, Graphics Design

March, 2021-April 2021

Alor Feri Limited

Internship in Mobile Application Development

Got comprehensive knowledge and hands on industrial skills on: Programming Languages, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design, Mobile App Architecture, Mobile App Deployment, Cross-Platform Development etc.

August, 2015-November, 2015

North-Bengal Engineering Institute, Gazipur

Internship in Advanced Computer Networking

Gathered knowledge in both theory and practical in Newtowrk instrumentation, maintenance and Finally implementation of a LAN and Virtual MAN project: Some learning outcomes: Networking Fundamentals, Cisco Networking Devices, Routing and Switching, IP Addressing and Subnetting, Network Security, Network Troubleshooting, Wireless Networking, Network Design and Implementation, Network Automation and Programmability.


PYTHON, C++, C#, C, ROS, Matlab(basic)

Programming Languages

Frameworks: TensorFlow, Keras. Libraries: Scikit-learn, NumPy.

Data Analysis: Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly.

Machine Learning

Embedded Controller/Interface: RASPBERRY PI, ARDUINO & Node-MCU

Electronic Design Automation Software: PROTEUS

Robotics Automation and Electronic System Tools

LATEX,, Microsoft OFFICE (Word, Excell, PowerPoint), DRAW.IO, MS-Visio, Power BI.

Documentation & Visualization Tools


Graphic Design & Video Editing:

Communication, Leadership, Management, Problem Solving

InterPersonal Skills:


(Completed More Than 18 Years of Schooling including SSC, Diploma in Eng. & B.Sc. Engineering)

Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Passing Year: 2021

Duration: 4 Years


Sylhet Polytechnic Institute, Sylhet

Diploma in Engineering

Department of Computer Technology

Passing Year: 2015

Duration: 4 Years


Rotargaon High School & College, Sunamganj

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

Group: Science

Passing Year: 2011

Duration: 5 Years


Rotargaon Primary School, Sunamganj

Primary School Certificate (PSC)

Group: General

Passing Year: 2005

Duration: 5 Years

Administrative Experiences

• Vice President - DUET Robotics Club, DUET.
• President - Jalalabad Students’ Welfare Association, DUET.
• Joint Secretary - Bangladesh Students’ League, DUET Unit.
• Vice President - Public University Students’ Association of Bishwambharpur.
• Organizing Secretary - English Language Club, DUET.
• Multimedia & Gaming Secretary – DUET Computer Society.

Leadership Skills

• Organizer – DUET Techfest 2019.
• Lead Program Coordinator (Robotics) – CSE Fest DUET 2019.
• Organizer (Robotic Event) – DUET Techfest 2018.
• Cultural Coordinator (Head) – CSE Night Cultural Event.


• 2nd Runner-Up – International Autonomous Robotics Competition. Techkriti’18 - IIT Kanpur, India.
• 4th position – Meshmerize. Techfest’18 - IIT Bombay, India.
• Champion – Line Following Robot. Ignition’19 - KUET, Bangladesh.
• Champion – Line Following Robot. Mecelleration’18 - IUT, Bangladesh.
• Champion – Line Following Robot. Ignition’18 - KUET, Bangladesh.
• Champion – Path Finder. BUET Robo Carnival’17 - BUET, Bangladesh.
• Champion – IARC. Techkriti’18 Bangladesh Zonal - UIU, Bangladesh.
• Champion – Color Switch. National Robotech Festival’18 - NSU, Bangladesh.
• Champion – Maze Solving Robot. Makers Mania’18 - IUB, Bangladesh.
• Champion – Meshmerize. Techfest’18 Bangladesh Round - AIUB, Bangladesh.
• 1st Runner-up – Race of Victory. DUET Techfest’17 - DUET, Bangladesh.
• 2nd Runner-up – Path Finder. BUET Robo Carnival’17 - BUET, Bangladesh.
• 2nd Runner-up – Robomania v.4. Esonance’17 - IUT, Bangladesh.
• National Round - ACM ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 2017 & 2018.
......................Detailed in > Competitions and Award Page
