Research & Publications

AqUavplant Dataset: A High-Resolution Aquatic Plant Classification and Segmentation Image Dataset Using UAV

By Rajaul Karim | 23 Dec, 2024

AqUavplant Dataset: A High-Resolution Aquatic Plant Classification and Segmentation Image Dataset Using UAV
Type: Journal Paper.

Journal Name: Scientific Data (Impact Factor: 9.8 | Cite Score: 11.2 | Q1 Journal).

Publisher: Nature Publication (Springer Nature).

Date: 20 December 2024

🔗 Access Links:
📄 Article: Read Here
🗃️ Dataset: Download Here
💻 Codes: Available Here

Abstract: Aquatic vegetation species are declining gradually, posing a threat to the stability of aquatic ecosystems. The decline can be controlled with proper monitoring and mapping of the species for effective conservation and management. The Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV) aka Drone can be deployed to comprehensively capture large area of water bodies for effective mapping and monitoring. This study developed the AqUavplant dataset consisting of 197 high resolution (3840px  × 2160px, 4K) images of 31 aquatic plant species collected from nine different sites in Bangladesh. The DJI Mavic 3 Pro triple-camera professional drone is used with a ground sampling distance (GSD) value of 0.04-0.05 cm/px for optimal image collection without losing detail. The dataset is complemented with binary and multiclass semantic segmentation mask to facilitate ML based model development for automatic plant mapping. The dataset can be used to detect the diversity of indigenous and invasive species, monitor plant growth and diseases, measure the growth ratio to preserve biodiversity, and prevent extinction.

Main Architecture:

The step-by-step approach to prepare the dataset 
Image data is collected from 9 (Nine) sites at 3 (Three) locations in Bangladesh

